Worksheets in Primary Education

Teaching young kids is not an easy job; it requires specialised skills, passion and suitable teaching resources to get started. Some of the importantCounting Worksheets resources teachers will require are;

  • Daily Lesson Plans
  • Weekly Lesson Plans
  • Worksheets
  • Charts, Maps and other visual aides
  • Sticker, stamps etc
  • Assessment folders
  • Dictionary

There could be many more resources however one of the resource which stands out as a versatile tool is printable worksheets. Let us understand how one can put the printable worksheets to the best use.

To start with I would like to emphasize that that worksheets are not just useful for teachers and tutors but also for parents who can use worksheets to teach and help kids practice subjects at home.

  1. Support Conceptual Learning: Worksheets make an excellent tool for comprehending if the students are following the topic to your satisfaction or not. And hence providing a means for easy and targeted evaluation.
  2. Extended Learning: To elaborate on a topic and further embed the learning, you can provide a worksheet to students which firstly cover the topic discussed by you and then you can also add exercises to further develop the understanding through more examples and relating it to life situations.
  3. Increasing Student Interaction and Collaboration: By grouping students in a group of two or four, one can encourage them to collaborate and work together.
  4. Preparing for Test and competitive exams: Worksheets are one of the best practicing methods for preparing for tests and exams. Start with topics which need more attention and work your way through the worksheets from easier to advanced followed by timing them and working on the speed which is a key to success in competitive exams.

To be continued....