Homonyms, Homophones and Homographs Worksheets

Print these homonyms, homophones and homographs worksheets to enhance the vocabulary skills of students. Homonyms are the words with the same spelling and same pronunciation, but different meanings. Homophones are the words with the same pronunciation, but different spelling and different meanings. Homographs are the words with the same spelling, but different pronunciations and different meanings.  The basic worksheets are intended for students in grades 1 and 2, intermediate worksheets are intended for students in grades 3 and 4 and advanced worksheets are intended for students in grades 5 and 6. Teachers may choose from these worksheets as per the student’s level and requirement. Print these homonyms, homophones and homographs worksheets for students for the classroom or homework practice.


Homonyms - 1

Choose the correct meaning for the homonym used in the sentence.

Homonyms - 2

Choose the correct meaning for the homonym used in the sentence.

Homonyms - 3

Choose the correct meaning for the homonym used in the sentence.

Homonyms - 4

Use the given homonyms in sentences.

Homonyms - 5

Use the given homonyms in sentences.

Homophones - 1

Choose the correct homophone to complete each sentence.

Homophones - 2

Choose the correct homophone to complete each sentence.

Homophones - 3

Choose the correct homophone to complete each sentence.

Homophones Sentences - 1

Use the given homophones in sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 2

Use the given homophones in sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 3

Use the given homophones sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 4

More practice with homophones words.

Homophones Sentences - 5

Use the given homophones to make sentences of your own.

Homographs - 1

Use the given homographs in sentences.

Homographs - 2

Use the given homographs in sentences.


Homonyms - 1

Use two meanings for each of the following homonyms in two different sentences.

Homonyms - 2

Use two meanings for each of the following homonyms in two different sentences.

Homonyms - 3

Use two meanings for each of the following homonyms in two different sentences.

Homonyms - 4

Use the given homonyms in sentences.

Homonyms - 5

Use the given homonyms in sentences.

Homophones - 1

Choose the correct homophone to complete each sentence.

Homophones - 2

Choose the correct homophone to complete each sentence.

Homophones Sentences - 1

Use the given homophones in sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 2

Use the given homophones in sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 3

Use the given homophones sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 4

More practice with homophones words.

Homophones Sentences - 5

Use the given homophones to make sentences of your own.

Homographs - 1

Use the given homographs in sentences.

Homographs - 2

Use the given homographs in sentences.


Crossword - Homonyms 1

Solve the crossword puzzle of homonyms words.

Homonyms - 1

Use the given homonyms in sentences.

Homonyms - 2

Use the given homonyms in sentences.

Correct the Homophones – 1

Rewrite the sentence correctly using correct homophones.

Homophones Sentences - 1

Use the given homophones in sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 2

Use the given homophones in sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 3

Use the given homophones sentences.

Homophones Sentences - 4

More practice with homophones words.

Homophones Sentences - 5

Use the given homophones to make sentences of your own.

Homographs - 1

Use the given homographs in sentences.

Homographs - 2

Use the given homographs in sentences.